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Special Report (Deep Intel)

Report June 2024 - Great and Historical Victory against Global Terrorism

In early June, the AFG Central Command decided to carry out Operation Freedom against the terrorist organizations such as the UN and other Swiss/European terrorist organizations in Afghanistan, and called the Afghan nation to unify against the global terrorism (Globalism) before the launch of the Operation Freedom. While the campaign was making our nation widely aware and greatly uniting our people to fight against globalism which is in charge of a bunch serious crimes against our nation, including decades of genocides, Joe Biden suddenly left for a one week trip to France from June 5-9, as he was probably invited by Emmanuel Macron. Suddenly, after these events, the Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation identified a large level of emerging threats against Afghanistan's national security which should have been smashed. The main point in the intelligence Afghanistan security institutions were analysing was that the threats were organized by France and Germany, the two long-time enemies of Afghanistan and the United States.

On June 8, as a response to the Afghanistan Security Council reports that have identified security threats related to trafficking and smuggling in Badakhshan, Helmand, Balkh, Maymana and other parts of Afghanistan, the Afghan government decided to establish the Afghanistan Counter-Trafficking Ministry, focused on suppressing drug trafficking, human trafficking and other types of trafficking. A ministry that also creates job opportunities for at least 500 thousand Afghans, who will be recruited, trained, equipped and managed by the joint committees of the Afghanistan Intelligence Community, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior to combat drug trafficking and to destroy human trafficking cartels. Moments after the Afghan government's decision to establish the counter-traffiking ministry, Joe Biden, who was in France, threatened Afghanistan with military attacks, probably provoked by France, which, along with other European governments, has benefited from drug and human trafficking for decades, and of course, it has also been abused for genocides. However, Afghanistan strongly remained determined to smash any sort of trafficking and smuggling, despite the threats.

Of course, the Afghan government was already aware of the criminal cases and illegal activities of Joe Biden's blind and Semi-European system, its connection with Iran, as well as its hatred against Afghans. On the other hand, the authorities in Afghanistan, by not participating in the conspiracy planned in Tehran to threaten the security and sovereignty of Afghanistan, crushed another part of the triangle plot of France, Germany and Iran against the Afghanistan's national security. In the same way, the strong will of the Afghan institutions to block the Swiss deep-terrorism and assassination network known as Khatam-al-nabeien from the Afghan soil has been one of the factors behind the threats coming out of Germany and France against Afghanistan.

The most shocking security findings, in midnight of June 9 a new threat emerged from the media. Here there is a subtle but very important point that should be noted, that the media is managed by the International Federation of Journalists, which has always dictated the media programs in favour of UNESCO, given the fact that extensive brainwashing program against international community and psychological control over people, governments and even the politicians has always been organized by the Festival Bruxelles Babel, which actually has been representing the city of Babel in Berlin, where German government officials and AfD neo-Nazi party have usually held their secret meetings and organized the European organizations such as European Council and European Parlimant programs from there, in particular, after 2019, when Ursula von der Leyen, former German minister of defense, took over the presidency of European Commission and turned it into a militia organization, especially in the health sector. As dirt centers in Belgium, France, Swiss and Germany did not have an excuse to legitimize the US military threat against Afghanistan's dignity, national security, unity and the strong will to smash globalism cartels and terrorism, media have launched a propaganda with the aim of attributing the activities of al-Qaeda to Afghanistan. But if we look deeper, in fact, the networks identified in the report wanted to carry out terrorist attacks against the United States, blame Afghanistan and force the United States to participate another genocides against Afghanistan. What already happened in the last two decades against Afghanistan and the United States.

According to the knowledge about warmongers in Europe who always wanted genocides to happen at the expense of others, those who have always been hidden behind threats, Europe actually wanted to turn the identified threat into a world war, as well.

With the knowledge, support and highly professional teamwork of Afghanistan's security institutions, the European conspiracy against Afghanistan, the United States and global security was suppressed and destroyed, immediately. The deep intel our security and investigation teams hunted here led to the completion of studies on European war crime cases against Afghanistan, in the Afghanistan International Court.

After the detection of the threat and its purposes, Afghanistan greatly increased its security measures against UN centers, and other international organizations that are present in Afghanistan. Khatam-al-nabeien networks and other globalist European networks in Afghanistan became under complete siege of the Afghan security forces, and Afghanistan's borders and airports became under strict control of Afghan security institutions.

Studying the channel, method and source where the disinformation for pushing the identified very dangerous propaganda has been released through, awakened the security institutions of Afghanistan to investigate any foreign and hostile influence of elements affiliated with European organizations in the Afghanistan media and government institutions. The findings showed that, like the United States and anywhere else, they had influence and presence in the media sectors of Afghanistan, which specifically have been programming, controlling and regulating the output of government media, including security and military institutions media, in favour of globalism. The security findings have also determined that some of the infiltrators related to European assassination networks have infiltrated government health and medical centers. After identifying the threat, Afghanistan also decided to investigate more carefully the travel and visits of officials from other countries who have misused the common religion to influence the decisions and performance of the Afghanistan's Emirate authorities.

Most importantly, Afghanistan prioritized to shape an iron will to get united against anything that threatens our national security, sovereignty and values. Therefore, Operation Freedom.


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