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The Afghanistan International Court criminalized gender apartheid as crimes against humanity.

War Crime: Children with Mandatory Coverage and Apartheid in Afghanistan Schools 2001-2021

What is gender apartheid?

Gender apartheid (institutionalised gender crimes) means the dictated separation of men and women from each other in societies, which has been illegally enforced after 2001 by the Afghan pseudo-government (formed by foreign elements in Bonn) and international organizations against Afghan citizens which includes the separation of Afghan girls and boys in educational centers and public places.

Systematic gender crimes specifically against Afghan girls and women after 2001, have had broader dimensions that include crimes such as forced veiling for girls younger than the legal age in schools.

The findings of the Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation show that crimes against Afghan women and children, which had reached wider levels after 2021, were actually architected by the institutions of the Swiss Organization, UN and the Media after 2015.

Military training for children in one of the UN (UNMAS) camps in Afghanistan 2001 - 2021

What have been the results of gender apartheid against Afghanistan?

As a threat to national security, gender apartheid not only leads to the social and economic disability of people, but can also lead to severe physical and mental damage to men and women. Due to the dis/misinformation about the factors that implement gender apartheid, it has also been used as a tool to harm the peace and unity of Afghans.

The Afghanistan International Court has been the first institution in the world to criminalize gender apartheid as a crime against humanity and prosecute its perpetrators.


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