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Dis/misinformation criminalized as terrorism

Dis/misinformation are type of information that are intentionally produced and disseminated to deceive people. Disinformation is an organized hostile activity in which actors has been using strategic deception and media manipulation tactics against the Afghanistan security and democracy, as foreign interference.

Corruption, terrorism, homosexuality, anti-women approaches, child abuse, industrial drugs, UFO, diseases including cancer and any other evil you name has one source: Babylon.

Babelsberg in Berlin has been a home to Germany’s main Weimar-era film studio. Although Babelsberg in Berlin has been identified as the root of Babylon, it is not the whole part of the system of corruption and terrorism, but in the last century, it has acted as the ass for an extremist religious ideology known as the King of Babylon. In the northwest of Afghanistan, there is a city whose name was changed to Babolsar after the occupation by the Nazi Germans, which in English means the head of Babylon (head of the snake), which will be cut off. In the same way, all the occupied lands, which include the territories of ٌWestern Afghanistan, South Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Baluchistan, have been named as Iran which has been mapping through the wars. As the scholars have identified, the word Iran is a Nazi word meaning a person who has been brainwashed and trained to commit and run crimes. You can also recognize the meaning of this word in the performance of ISIS fighters who have been referred to as lone wolves. Next to Babelsberg, there is another area in Berlin called Teufelsberg, which means Devil's Mountain.

Media have been abusing democracy as a tool to suppress democracy. One of the goals of spreading disinformation by hostile elements has been identified as limiting people's access to the facts. In many cases, disinformation has been acting as a factor to defame Afghans against each other, for example, it has been dictated to the Taleban that Ahmad Masoud's unit are infidels, on the other side it has been dictated to Ahmad Masoud that the Taleban are outsiders who don't have the right to live in Afghanistan - As a result of the way disinformation has operated here, non-licensed and extralegal killings have been occurred in Afghanistan against the both sides and civilians.

There are reports that indicate that media workers and journalists have been usually present in the areas before terrorist attacks and had information about terrorist activities before they occurred.

The activities of the media have led to the commission of wider crimes than just crime and terrorism, which its examples are clear in various places, whereas for the International Court of the Afghanistan documents on the role of the media in crimes committed in Afghanistan and against Afghan citizens are the area of ​​focus.

Where the disinformation comes from?

Media and Press.

International Federation of Journalists

  • Younes Mjahed

  • Nisrine Salameh


Sweden became an exporter of jihad through the activity of theater, media and Islamic centers of Iran groups specially in Gutenberg.


The organization identified is in charge of violence against the people of the Afghanistan including journalists with training centers in Kandahar, Balkh, Jalalabad, Kabul and Herat.

  • Abdul Mujib Khelwatgar

  • Nasir Ahmad Noori

Afghanistan International

Afghanistan International TV has appeared in the form of news media on August 15, 2021. The network identified in the Afghanistan International is in charge of ISIS activities in the Afghanistan. Afghanistan International network has been involved in terrorist activities such as targeted killing of former Afghan government employees, terrorist attack on the Blue Gate at Kabul, terrorist attacks on Hazara communities (Criminalised as Genocide), Education ban on Girls and Economic restrictions for women, human and drug trafficking networks controlled by Iran International directly related to the Islamic Republic and the IRGC, displaying a sham conflict. As one of the most hostile disinformation campaigns Afghanistan International has been running hundreds of social media pages and groups.


Did you know that what is happening around you is a show?

8am Media

8am media network is in charge of individual murders that specifically has been targeting women and children, private prisons, kidnapping members of the previous Afghan government security forces, torturing and killing them in collaboration with foreign terrorist organizations.

  • Sanjar Sohail

  • Rangin Dadfar Spanta

BBC Persian

The BBC Persian has nothing to do with the British Broadcasting Corporation except using its logo and benefits.




Social Media and Technology Companies

The disinformation and manipulation that media have been producing were published and promoted through what you know as Social Media such as YouTube, TikTok, X, Facebook, Instagram, Google, internet explorers, web and telecommunication companies, since they have been having Data Centers in Europe where governments have been providing service to the criminals and terrorist organizations.

The identified companies have been using technology as a platform for spying on the people and communication points with terrorist groups and organized crime networks, which even in the countries they claim coming from these type of crimes are punishable with death penalty.

Crimes committed in term of information that have affected the security of the Afghan people with crimes and terrorism are more than just producing and disseminating false information by the media. You can see this example in the crimes committed by the Apple, Microsoft and Elon Musk.

Who doesn't want you to don't know the facts?


What were the identified media sources?

Violence and terrorism.


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