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What is the AFG?

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Government of Afghanistan

From a humble beginning to becoming the government of Afghanistan, AFG stands for the Afghanistan  Forth Generation, which refers to the young and specialized generation of Afghanistan.

By maintaining impartiality in racial, religious, social, cultural, economic and political affairs, and having right understanding of the conditions, challenges, complications and threats that country is facing, the Forth Generation is an expert and knowledgeable community of study, research and security organizations committed to drive the people security journey towards absolute success.



+40 Trillion USD


Omid Yarzadeh



Net Worth





The Afghanistan Security Council

The AFG University

The AFG Study Center

Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation

The Afghanistan
International Court

The AFG Police 

The AFG Command Center

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The AFG Technology

Digital Intelligence

Protecting the people is the main factor of the AFG operations wherever we run. In order to do that, information plays the role of oxygen for our security teams. For our operations, we use elite forces integrated with Digital Intelligence which not only supports us in identifying the threat factors we have faced in the past, And preventing similar threats from happening again, but also allows us full penetration and swift reach to everywhere. 


The Digital Intelligence security system is exclusively and widely developed by the AFG security teams to operate and win for the people.


Central Command

The Afghan government is led by a command TEAM (Board of Directors) that sets the strategic direction for the government. The command TEAM is an executive team that supports joint decisions. The TEAM also oversees the government branch activities jointly.

The board of directors of the Afghan government is a completely independent institution that belongs to Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan which not only does not tolerate foreign interference, but also prosecutes it seriously if it detects hostility. However, this important institution of the Afghan government has close and strong cooperation with the private sectors, and examines ideas for security, economic, industrial and scientific developments through competent commissions. Indeed, these commissions shape and develop Afghanistan's foreign policy and relationships by a committed and resolute focus on Afghanistan's interests and national security.

Providing highly professional security and defense services to our people.


Our priority is the biometrics of entire Afghan citizens that can support our nation and our government's security system in creation of a constitution through the biometric referendum for each single clause.

While observing the highest ethical standards, maintaining transparency and complying with the rules and regulations of the AFG government, we continue to be forth in providing best quality solutions and services. Values ​​and ethical codes have formed the strategic principles of the team in the Afghan Government.


Our commitment, specialization, the way we do things, our unshakable/untouchable credibility which is earned by our correct performance, and our transparency makes us different.  

Bureau of Investigation

The Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation

Here We Get to the Bottom of Things.

The AFG Bureau of Investigation is the most extensive investigation institution of the Afghanistan government for  intelligence and security service which operates hand in hand with the Afghanistan International Court of Justice. The Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation is a member of the Afghanistan Intelligence Community and reports to the office of the president through director of national intelligence. 


leading counterterrorismcounterintelligence, and criminal investigative organization, the Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation has jurisdiction over violations of crimes committed by Afghan citizens, government employees, foreign individuals and organizations. 

Although the AFG Bureau of Investigation cooperates with the Afghanistan International Court of Justice, if it detects foreign influence and illegal activity in the justice department, it has jurisdiction over criminal attorney generals which includes arrest and request for death penalty to the office of the president. Considering the responsibility and sensitivity of the missions of the AFG Bureau of Investigation, the employment of individuals who follow a religion that has a active foreign leader is completely prohibited in the institution, and the organization has seriously banned such recruitments in entire Afghan security, judicial and other strategic  institutions.

The AFG Court of Justice
Court of Justice

The Afghanistan International Court

We See You. We Hear You.

The AFG Court of Justice (The Afghanistan International Court) identifies and prosecutes international crimes in Afghanistan and issues and executes judgments with the resolute aim of holding the perpetrators accountable. 


The AFG Court of Justice is a specialisedimpartial, non-penetrable, non-political and non-religious institution formed by reliable and committed legal experts. The AFG Court of Justice considers the people worthy of achieving justice and truth, supports the victims and holds the perpetrators accountable with full determination and authority.

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Security Council

The Afghanistan Security Council

The Afghanistan Security Council represents the people of Afghanistan. According to the AFG rules, the scope of the AFG Security Council's power includes sending troops, approving sanctions and authorizing the use of force against hostile elements.

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The AFG Military

Like Military, Just Bigger and Stronger.

The Afghanistan Defense Forces are made up of great men and women, former and current members of the Afghan Military, beside professional private military contractors, a family of security and military specialists who use their mental and physical resources and toughness in multiple trainings and programs to crush the limits. An important part of the structure in the Afghan Defense Forces is formed by the Afghan National Guard.


Here a brief look at the AFG special forces.

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The AFG Police

The Government Police

The AFG Police (The Afghanistan Special Police Units) is a network of official individuals empowered by the AFG government to enforce the law, ensure safety and security, protect citizens' freedom and property, and prevent crime and civil disorder. 

Since the crimes in our country has been identified as cross-border, the scope of AFG Police operations is considered at high levels. 

The AFG Police legal powers include arrests and the use of force as authorized by the Afghan government. 


Each AFG employee is a point of authority, a symbol of the AFG government that should be respected.

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Intelligence Unit

The Afghanistan Intelligence Agency

The Afghanistan Intelligence Agency Forces are sworn defenders of the people of Afghanistan. Within them are a host of deadly and elite soldiers that push fear in any enemy. Their operations are not only remarkable, but sometimes read like something straight out of a movie script. 

President Unit

With the engraved slogan (If you kill our people, we find you, we kill you too and more) in the heart of each operator, the Unit 17 consists of deadly counter-terrorism teams that not only carry out the most brutal counter-terrorism operations in the heart of the enemy, but also tear and shred the enemy's heart. Unit 17's special features include being comprehensive, pitiless, focused, and stealth. Made up by the most elite forces, highly committed to the national security of Afghanistan, the formation of the Unit on May 17, 2024 has a deep and long history.


One of the focus areas of the Unit 17 is Germany (Warmongers of Babel) and its genocide networks (Head of the snake, also known as occupiers in the Afghanistan territory), which is in charge of massive crimes including terrorism, genocides, sabotage of peace for several decades, hostile control of Afghanistan's economy with the participation of criminals in the Swiss regime and US administrations after 2021, plots against the Afghan young generation, our government and its leadership with a vast collection of attempted assassinations by the office of the Chancellor of Germany and the German state as a whole that have been smashed one after another. In June 2024 after a long observation, the Unit identified and crushed the joint efforts of Germany, France, Bayer AG war crimes network and the Islamic terrorism of Iran attempting to carry out attacks similar to the 11th of September 2001 against the United States, showing Afghanistan as the perpetrator. For more information on the case, study the June 2024 report.

​The total of Germany's crimes has obliged Germany to pay more than 40 trillion dollars in compensation to Afghanistan and the Afghan administration, according to the official documents of 2023. The budget is considered as the national budget of Afghanistan and one of the missions of Unit 17 remains to make sure that the amount is fully transferred to the National Bank of Afghanistan.

Costs for German crimes against Afghanistan and Afghan government in 2024 will be increased by the Afghan National Security Council, after a more extensive review of German criminal cases.

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Intelligence Unit

Afghanistan Department of Homeland Security

Miscommunication and discommunication could be very harmful for national security. As  disinformation and foreign interference are considered threats to national security.


Imagine if our citizens were isolated, did not have access to secure digital devices, internet and telecommunications, were psychologically manipulated by unhealthy media or toxic actors, controlled by foreign elements, it could be a deep disaster for national security. Likewise, imagine if hostile elements who had access to our citizens data, abuse the citizens as puzzle pieces for a dangerous game or show against themselves and others that the citizens are unaware of, as international organizations and media under their control have used this method in the past, there is nothing more intolerable and unacceptable than this against national security. 


One thing that could be unimaginable to many is that your Android phone, Apple or Microsoft computer will not function or will misfunction when you most need it, its data get lost or manipulated, and most importantly, its microphone and camera never turn off, even when you think your device is off,  all documented over and over by the Afghanistan Bureau of Investigation. 

Detection of a collection of wide threats against Afghanistan's national communications led to the establishment of the Afghan Department of Homeland Security. As a member of Afghanistan's intelligence community, the Department tracks and pursuit any foreign influence and abuse against Afghanistan communications which includes media, internet and telecommunications.

For a swift overcome against important part of the threats, the Afghan government recommends the purchase and use of the following digital device to citizens and government officials.


The AFG University

Protection of peace, freedom, security, territorial integrity, sovereignty, national dignity, human resources, and stability of the country requires education. The AFG University is a trusted name for specialized and high level security and military education, providing knowledge from generation to generation.

Study Center

The AFG Study Center

Center for Governmental Studies

The AFG Study Center is one of the specialized institutions of the AFG Government established to conduct supporting research. The AFG center for governmental studies specializes in basic and academic research for certain purposes.



Afghanistan Industry and Technology Network

Supreme Office for Afghanistan Development

When it comes to development, Afghanistan needs the participation of entire Afghans, and this partnership has been the inspiration for the name, COMPANY, reffering to the Afghanistan Development Center. The COMPANY is more than a name, since the future of the Afghan nation depends on the performance of this strategic institution of the Afghan government.

The AFG Integration Center

The Afghanistan Military Integration Program 2024-2030

Our History

Our History

After 2005

A Generation of Freedom Warriors


The immigration tension against the Afghan Youth

While most of the Afghans have been internally displaced due to widespread persecution, torture, targeted killings, poverty, hunger, increasing disease, environmental challenges, lack of access to education, and widespread violence by extremist groups, millions of Afghans were forced to leave the country to seek refuge abroad. These refugees did not have the right to live and study in the neighboring countries of Afghanistan, but a path was designed for them to reach European countries, which was supported by European governments and international organizations.


The emergence of the Forth Generation

The people of Afghanistan realized that Afghanistan is facing an information tension in the first step. In 2017, when the dis/misinformation campaigns mixed with violence began to threaten the national security and sovereignty of Afghanistan at new levels, the Forth Generation emerged to save Afghanistan from the situation by neutralizing the danger and highlighting the truth.

It was not as simple as you read here because barriers were forming against the Forth Generation and its officials that had to be smashed.

The Forth Generation, with a firm understanding of its responsibility of continuing Afghanistan's security studies, confidently leveled up the AFG studies. So that destroying barriers and crossing them became a part of the activity of the Forth Generation to continue operating for the people.


The Modern Afghanistan Campaign


The Afghanistan Special Forces Campaign


The Standard Education Campaign (ONEVOX)


The AFG Digitalization Campaign


The Afghanistan Forth Generation becoming a Private Security Company Startup

Hard Smash of Global Terrorism

After the historic siege and great defeat of NATO in 2021 by the Defense Forces of the Emirate of Afghanistan and United States withdrawal from Afghanistan, there were still some elements of European terrorism, mostly German left in Afghanistan who were trying to create threats to the national security of Afghanistan and the United States, civil disorder, ethnic and religious wars, and to destroy the religion of Afghan nation from within, by creating and using Islamic terrorism. They did not get far because the AFG military with other security and defense institutions of Afghanistan have trapped them and Afghanistan had the great honor of mass and horrible killing of more than 1,700 ISIS-K members and leaders in 2022, including the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, with the participation of the United States Air Force in Shirpur, Kabul, where the target was kept by European elements in an area close to the Deutsche Post AG branch and the UN office in Kabul, Afghanistan.

For the first time in history, smart contract, more importantly, a meaningful and necessary national partnership, a strategic security agreement was made between the Afghanistan Forth Generation and the Ministry of National Defense of Afghanistan in July 2022, the results of which are considered sustainable success for Afghanistan's national security as mentioned below. 


The Forth Generation becoming the government of Afghanistan

Investigations and Policy Making

The AFG had the honor to form some of the greatest achievements for the people in 2023 with no operation on the ground. After the fall of the former government in August 2021 and after the complete fall of the NATO's membership for Afghanistan in 2022 the AFG has officially started covering the people of Afghanistan for having an official government that supports  them for some of the most important issues such as the identification of the security challenges and threat factors, also providing a process for bringing them to accountability. On the other hand, the security findings that reflected the realities, united the people of Afghanistan in a way that has not been felt among the Afghans  in the past 5000 years, and beyond.

Operation Freedom

The Afghan government agreed on a valuable security partnership with the Afghanistan Ministry of Interior which its importance is strategic for Afghanistan's national security and future. The relations between the government and Afghan political leaders has been developed in order to provide opportunities for their participation in Afghanistan's national agenda, as well as strengthening national security and unity during the Afghan government's operations on the ground, Operation Freedom, an operation that was designed and developed according to the national will of the nation of Afghanistan, officially approved and authorized by the AFG Central Command.


Team Development and the establishment of the Afghan government on the ground

About the President

Omid Yarzadeh

Omid, born on May 11, 1989 born in the heart of Afghanistan, is a successful Afghan businessman, security expert, programmer, former director of the Afghanistan Defense Intelligence, athlete, special inspector on the Afghanistan case, president and founder of the AFG government. Omid and the TEAM beside him are developer of a stable government security and defense system that focuses on supporting, promoting and protecting stable national security, peace, development, freedom, justice, legal and limited governance.

Among the world leaders, Omid is the youngest, current President of Afghanistan, representing a country with more than 70 percent youth population, who manages the greatest Afghanistan economic plan for the century and beyond, "Afghanistan 2100".

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